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NATS Micro for Python

This is not an official NATS project

This is a personal project and is not endorsed by the community. It is not guaranteed to be maintained or supported.

This is an experimental project

This project is a prototype and should not be used for anything serious. It is not tested, nor is it guaranteed to be correct.

The micro package in the NATS.go library provides a simple way to create microservices that leverage NATS for scalability, load management and observability.

This project is an attempt to implement the same API in Python.


Why does this exist ?

What's lacking ?

  • There is no test, and it may not be correct.

How to install

pip install git+

API Proposal

The API is inspired by the Go micro package:

  • In order to use the package, you need to create a NATS connection using the nats-py package:
from nats.aio.client import Client

# Somewhere in an async function
nc = await Client().connect("nats://localhost:4222")
from nats_contrib import micro

service = micro.add_service(
    description="Demo service",
  • Unlike the Go implementation, the service is not started automatically. You need to call service.start to start the service, or use the service as an async context manager which allows to both create and start the service in a single line:
async with micro.add_service(
    description="Demo service",
) as service:
async def echo(req: micro.Request) -> None:
    """Echo the request data back to the client."""
    await req.respond(

await service.add_endpoint(

As defined in the ADR, an endpoint must provide at least a name and a handler. The handler is a coroutine that takes a micro.Request as its only argument and returns None.

If no subject is provided, the endpoint will use the service name as the subject. It's possible to provide a subject with the subject argument:

await service.add_endpoint(
  • You can also add groups to the service:
group = service.add_group("demo")

As defined in the ADR, a group serves as a common prefix to all endpoints registered in it.

await group.add_endpoint(

This is equivalent to adding an endpoint to the service with the subject prefixed by the group name.

  • Once you're done, you can stop the service with service.stop() if it was not used as an async context manager:
await service.stop()
assert service.stopped

Example usage

This example shows how to create a simple service that echoes the request data back to the client and to run it until the application receives a SIGINT or a SIGTERM signal.

from nats_contrib import micro

async def echo(req: micro.Request) -> None:
    """Echo the request data back to the client."""
    await req.respond(

async def setup(ctx: micro.sdk.Context) -> None:
    """Configure the service.

    This function is executed after the NATS connection is established.
    # Connect to NATS and close it when the context is closed
    # micro.add_service returns an AsyncContextManager that will
    # start the service when entered and stop it when exited.
    service = await ctx.add_service(
        description="Demo service",
    # A group is a collection of endpoints with
    # the same subject prefix.
    group = service.add_group("demo")
    # Add an endpoint to the service
    await group.add_endpoint(

After you've cloned the repo and install the project, you can run the example above with the help of the micro CLI tool:

micro run examples/

Once the service is running, you can use the micro CLI tool to send a request to the demo.ECHO subject:

micro request demo.ECHO "Hello, world!"
Hello, World!

You should receive the same message back from the service.

You can also use the micro CLI tool to discover the service:

micro ping
"name": "demo-service",
"id": "c9538e45b3739a339a217d26f3bcb376",
"version": "1.0.0",
"metadata": {},
"type": "io.nats.micro.v1.ping_response"

You can also use the micro CLI tool to request service stats:

micro info demo-service
"name": "demo-service",
"id": "c9538e45b3739a339a217d26f3bcb376",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Demo service",
"metadata": {},
"endpoints": [
"name": "echo",
"subject": "demo.ECHO",
"metadata": {},
"queue_group": "q"
"type": "io.nats.micro.v1.info_response"

You can also use the micro CLI tool to request service stats:

micro stats demo-service
"name": "demo-service",
"id": "c9538e45b3739a339a217d26f3bcb376",
"version": "1.0.0",
"started": "2024-02-27T00:01:31.555469Z",
"endpoints": [
"name": "echo",
"subject": "demo.ECHO",
"num_requests": 4,
"num_errors": 0,
"last_error": "",
"processing_time": 875900,
"average_processing_time": 218975,
"queue_group": "q",
"data": {}
"metadata": {},
"type": "io.nats.micro.v1.stats_response"

Other works